Imagine living in a kaleidoscope of colors: rich violet or midnight blues, sunny yellows, calming lavender and heart-stopping pinks. The shades slowly appear and change around you, set against a background of soothing, lush greens. Color? Love it…and you can grow that!

You might be picky about which colors you wear, paint on your walls, or plant in your garden, but you must admit that the shades you love make you feel better. Even colors that you’re not particularly fond of affect your mood and behavior. It’s no wonder that so many fast food restaurants have orange furnishings, for example…it’s said that this color stimulates the appetite.

Whether you love yellow and hate pink, or crave purple but shun red, you can have an ever-changing show of your favorite hues on your kitchen counter or outside your front door.

Think flowers and bright foliage. Think blooming houseplants, shrubs, perennials and annuals. Think of the joy that you’ll feel being surrounded by these colors when you leave the house in the morning and come home from work later in the day. Consider planting soothing colors on the deck or patio where you sit with your tea or coffee. Place bright colors where they will catch the first and last rays of sunshine.

Depending on where you live, spring is either arriving or just around the corner. Your landscape is about to be the setting for a joyous, seasonal party. Now is the time to plan how you’ll decorate for the festival.

Love color? You can grow that! Plant something.

If you love color you must plant annuals! Not enough room in your landscape? Fill up some pots! This mix of yellow Lantana, orange Calibrachoa, and purple Scaevola makes me want to mix up some umbrella drinks and turn on the music!


Shrubs can bring a great deal of color to the party. Weigela 'Rubidor' comes to June events dressed in bright pink flowers and lime green leaves.


Where do your eyes immediately go when you look at this picture? To the 'Red Head' coleus of course! One of my all-time favorite annuals, this 'Red Head' got all the attention by those touring my garden a year ago.


Too early to plant where you live? You can still have color therapy. I spotted these orchids in the greenhouse of my local garden center and many supermarkets and florists sell them too. Indulge.


In the spring and early summer this garden is yellow and blue but it transforms to coral, peach and lavender in July.

In the spring and early summer this garden is yellow and blue but it transforms to coral, peach and lavender in July.


Love color? Repeat after me: You Can Grow That!



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Whole Life Gardening
In the spring and early summer this garden is yellow and blue but it transforms to coral, peach and lavender in July.
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