Oct 8, 2013 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Pet Peeves, Plant Something!
For those concrete thinkers among you I must declare up front: I’m not just talking about plants and gardening here. In every place that I mention something horticultural you could substitute something else that you’ve killed and get the message. Think about that job...
Sep 29, 2013 | A Gardening Life, my gardens
A Gardening Life – September 29 There are many books, articles and blog posts on plant combinations. You can plan your gardens according to the shades of flowers and foliage textures and colors…or a combination of both. Some design according to height or...
Sep 17, 2013 | A Gardening Life, my gardens, plants I love
Two plants stole the show last weekend when my garden was open as a fundraiser for the Barnstable Education Foundation. Their habit is completely different, but they were the most asked-about varieties. Lespedeza thunbergii ‘Gibraltar’ is a perennial that...
Aug 30, 2013 | A Gardening Life, my gardens
My garden will be on tour in a couple of weeks to benefit the Barnstable Education Foundation. As I bustle around making sure that things look spiffy it occurs to me that others may appreciate knowing what to do in similar situations. If you’re planning to open...
Jul 8, 2013 | A Gardening Life, my gardens, plants I love
A Gardening Life – July 8 You know the answer, right? Of course not. But sometimes I think those of us in the garden communication business are prone to pretending that it does. We take photos of our gardens when they look great and we write at length about our...