Aug 22, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Life's Gardens, my gardens, Perennial Maintenance, plants I love
You need to combine annuals and perennials. This should be a given for anyone who likes flowers. You say that you want lots of bloom but you only want plants that come up every year? You say that you only want those things that flower from May through October? Get...
Jun 23, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Life's Gardens, my gardens, Perennial Maintenance
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – June 23 I love my self-seeding annuals and biennials and Poison Ivy Acres is an informal, cottage-style garden that accommodates these plants well. But as I’ve said many times in the past, just because plants have seeded and...
May 25, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, my gardens, Perennial Maintenance, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – May 25 Sometimes things work, and occasionally they surpass our expectations. When I sprinkled the Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Raven’s Wing’ seeds in the area to the right of the ‘Minuta’ dwarf white pine, I hoped that...
May 22, 2012 | Garden Celebrations, Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Perennial Maintenance, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – May 22 A garden pretty much demands that we humans embrace change, but unfortunately we spend a great deal of time fighting it. People want perennials that bloom all summer and shrubs that start at the right size and then stay that...
Apr 24, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Life's Gardens, my gardens, Perennial Maintenance
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – April 24 Whenever I speak to a conference where there are feedback forms to be filled out, I usually ask to receive the results. Although most attendees tend to fill these reviews out in the most general terms, some get more...
Apr 16, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Perennial Maintenance
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – April 16 My entry garden is entering its fifth summer. Some plants are growing gangbusters, while other are of the “slow and steady wins the race” variety. A few, however, are missing in action. I like to plant in groups of odd...