Jan 9, 2013 | A Gardening Life, Life's Gardens, my gardens, plants I love
A Gardening Life – January 9 I got an email yesterday from someone who wants plants that attract hummingbirds to his garden. He specifically asked for perennials, “something easy to grow,” that would bloom the first year. In my reply I went over the...
Jan 3, 2013 | A Gardening Life, As I See It, plants I love
The Gardening Life – January 3 Going into a garden center’s greenhouse is dangerous at this time of year. I want to buy everything. Since snow covers the ground and it’s too early to start seeds in northern climates, I have to get my colorful flower fix from...
Jan 2, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love
A Gardening Life – January 2 I have several Amaryllis bulbs that are coming into bloom. Their big, colorful flowers make me happy that I bought bulbs and potted them in early December. Yes, you can purchase Amaryllis that are already planted but if you do it...
Jan 1, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love
A Gardening Life – January 1 I don’t usually cut the old Hydrangea flowers off of the shrubs in the fall. Some people don’t like how the brown remains of the blooms look and others worry that the weight of heavy snow held by the flowers might break branches....
Dec 6, 2012 | Inspiration, my gardens, plants I love, products I love
Garden geeks focus primarily on plants, and with good reason. The plant is where the action is…where growth and life exists. We’re willing to acknowledge, however, that the environment where that plant grows is equally important. The soil, moisture, and all the...
Nov 6, 2012 | Inspiration, Life's Gardens, plants I love
A friend of mine recently sent me a photo of a lavender plant that he saw online. The lavender pictured is being sold for indoor growing at this time of year. My friend asked, “Will this live for us in our sunny window as a houseplant?” One of my missions, whether I’m...