Nov 4, 2012 | plants I love, You Can Grow That!
Not only is Nicotiana mutabilis a magnet for the hummers, it’s also very long lasting in the fall garden. This flowering tobacco sails through light frosts and continues to bloom into November in my part of the country. Here’s what you need to know to grow...
Nov 1, 2012 | my gardens, plants I love
Looking for more foliage color in part shade? Love the idea of using native plants when possible? Are you a sucker for fall color? Have I got a shrub for you. I planted Fothergilla ‘Blue Shadow’ four years ago as small plants just one foot high and three...
Oct 26, 2012 | my gardens, plants I love
After seeing Salvia mexicana ‘Limelight’ in a garden a few years ago I knew I wanted to grow it even though it isn’t hardy on Cape Cod. So this past spring I ordered some from Digging Dog Nursery and planted them in late May. They sulked early in the...
Oct 19, 2012 | plants I love, You Can Grow That!
Dear Nicotiana mutabilis, This is just a quick note to say thanks, once again, for being a great plant in my garden. You’re so reliable at showing up in early summer and then flowering from mid-summer into November. I’m very glad that you’re...
Oct 12, 2012 | Inspiration, Life's Gardens, plants I love, You Can Grow That!
I arrived at the Garden Writer’s Association annual meeting site yesterday. We’re in Tucson, AZ, and once again I’m pleased that this meeting moves to a new location every year. It’s always interesting to see how people garden in climates that...
Oct 1, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, my gardens, plants I love
Yes, although it’s the end of September I’m focusing today on the month of June. You see, I was looking back through my photographs for the year in preparation for a talk, and came upon a shot of the dry garden. This bed is up by the road and I’ve...