Aug 17, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 17 Since it was overcast (finally!) it was a perfect day to take photos of the landscape. As I walked around, I appreciated the rhythms of the garden. One way to define rhythm is, “recurring at regular intervals” and this is easy to...
Aug 16, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA, vegetables
Report From PIA – August 16 Yesterday on NPR I heard an interview with Elizabeth Dunn who studies consumer happiness for the University of British Columbia. She was talking about what made people happy, and commented, “Well, it turns out that one of the best...
Aug 15, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 15 It’s officially the middle of August and we can’t in any way think that there is much summer left. Time to fess up and admit that it’s unlikely those stray six-packs and odd small pots are going to get planted. I’ve had good...
Aug 14, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 14 When I was in college and on my way to classes, I used to regularly pass by a poster hung on an office door. It pictured a child, or children, flying out the door of a school building, and the caption read, “The real classroom is...
Aug 13, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, plants I love, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 13 As I walk around Poison Ivy Acres, there are some plants that I marvel at for their endurance. Despite a hot, dry season, and given less than ideal irrigation, these plants continue to shine. Of the five varieties of petunias I...
Aug 12, 2010 | my gardens, Reasons To Grow Your Own Vegetables, Report From PIA, vegetables
Report From PIA – August 12 Garden Vegetables Baked With Fish or Chicken This dish is perfect for the time when everything in the garden is producing; it’s great way to use summer squash, broccoli, beans, tomatoes, chard and tomatoes. For Six People Step One For...