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Winter Flowers

We love poinsettias at this time of year but a lesser known cool-weather plant is the hybrid Anemone. When my husband and I lived in New York’s mid-Hudson Valley, and he traveled up and down the Taconic Parkway frequently, he would stop at Battenfelds to pick up these beautiful flowers in the winter. For us, they are now a holiday tradition.

The colors are wonderful and the flowers continue to develop and grow much like tulips do even after they are picked. These are stunning cut flowers.

What To Do With Too Many Zucchini – #1

What To Do With Too Many Zucchini – #1

The summer my husband and I moved to the east coast my in-laws introduced me to several delicious Italian dishes. They would arrive at our house bearing fresh mozzarella, a cold squid salad seasoned with lemon and fresh basil, and a zucchini dish that my mother-in-law...

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Summer Pizza? You Can Grow That!

Summer Pizza? You Can Grow That!

Americans usually think of pizza as being a crust topped by tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. Often, of course, there are other ingredients but the sausage, mushrooms, eggplant, onions, anchovies etc. are optional. In truth a delicious pizza starts with a crust but...

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Birdhouses and Gardens

Birdhouses and Gardens

There is something that is just so perfect about a birdhouse in a garden. Perhaps it's because such avian dwellings usually look like miniature houses where people might live... if they could fly. Maybe it's because those who love flowers almost always enjoy birds as...

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Exclamation Points in the Garden

Exclamation Points in the Garden

Writers are often warned to use exclamation points very sparingly. In fact, some say that every writer should only be issued three to use for that writer’s entire life! Whoops, there’s one! OMG…now I’ve used up two! No, three…I haven’t even started to rave about a...

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Does A Perfect Garden Exist?

Does A Perfect Garden Exist?

A Gardening Life - July 8 You know the answer, right? Of course not. But sometimes I think those of us in the garden communication business are prone to pretending that it does. We take photos of our gardens when they look great and we write at length about our...

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Growing Blueberries

Growing Blueberries

A Gardening Life - July 7th I picked blueberries yesterday. The early bearing varieties are now filled with large, ripe fruit that needs to be harvested daily. Last year we picked these early berries and looked forward to the others that mature later in July, but we...

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Independence From Hum-Drum Shade Plantings

Independence From Hum-Drum Shade Plantings

You can grow that! For too many years we've fallen back on the same old same old for shade: Impatiens. The arrival of Impatiens downy mildew has pulled us out of our comfortable ruts and forced gardeners, homeowners and landscapers to try something new. On this Fourth...

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