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Yin and Yang Customers

Yin and Yang Customers

Garden Reports and Rejoicing –  May 9 On Monday I helped some people in the perennial section of the garden center. I’d say they were yin-and-yang-customers…on the one hand they were excited about planting and ready to put something in the ground. I loved their...


Garden Reports and Rejoicing – April 16 My entry garden is entering its fifth summer. Some plants are growing gangbusters, while other are of the “slow and steady wins the race” variety. A few, however, are missing in action. I like to plant in groups of odd...


Garden Reports and Rejoicing – April 6 One could make an argument that given how tied in we are to the internet, people are doing more comparing than ever before. Google searches for “The best xyz” or “Xyz’s compared” are...
Moss Rocks!

Moss Rocks!

Garden Reports and Rejoicing – March 27 One of the subjects I address in my most popular garden club talk is moss growth. The myth is that moss in your lawn means that you need to add lime. The truth is that moss is an equal opportunity lawn-colonizer…it’s happy...
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