Dec 2, 2011 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, my gardens, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – December 2 A simple facebook post for the garden center has me wondering… why do some people have a green thumb? As I wrote about a recent shipment of Cyclamen I thought about what to say. This isn’t a...
Nov 17, 2011 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – November 17 I have a constantly changing slideshow of garden photos as my computer desktop and screensaver, and occasionally one of these photos catches my attention. This evening the shot of the lights on lakeside trees stuck me...
Nov 13, 2011 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – November 13 As you all know from a recent open letter I wrote, I think that everyone in the garden biz made a serious error a few years back. Myself included. We thought that the way to attract people to plants and gardening was to...
Nov 12, 2011 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, You Can Grow That!
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – November 12 A drive to the beach yesterday took me past this old burning bush. Several things about this plant captured my attention. First, of course, was the colorful foliage. This plant with coral red leaves was directly across...
Nov 9, 2011 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, plants I hate
Garden Reports And Rejoicing – November 9 The weather was wonderfully warm the past two days so I seized the moment and dug my dahlia tubers. In the past I haven’t been too concerned with marking specific colors or types of dahlias, but this season we discovered...