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A Pause In Planting?

A Pause In Planting?

Report From An Opinionated Gardener – October 17 I don’t know about the rest of you who plant in cold climates, but I’m happy that I can’t garden twelve months a year. Yes, I’m sorry to see the vegetables and annuals go, and I will miss the flowers. But it’s...
Too Much Mulch?

Too Much Mulch?

Report From PIA – August 24 As you regular readers know, this is the end of our third summer on Poison Ivy Acres. All of the gardens here are new (and frankly, I think they look pretty damn awesome) so the main plantings have been put in the ground and now it’s...


Report From PIA – August 2 I spent some time watching this section of the fragrance garden today, and it was teaming with life. There were six types of birds among the plants, two types of butterflies and several bees, dragonflies and one rabbit. These were just...
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