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The Right Way

The Right Way

Report From PIA – July 19 Anyone who has ever listened to GardenLine, heard me speak, or hired me to do a garden consultation knows that I can be pretty darn opinionated. OK, very opinionated. Yet I openly admit that in and out of the garden there isn’t just one...
Starting From Scratch

Starting From Scratch

Report From PIA – July 9 I’ve started three landscapes “from scratch.”  We purchased all three houses already finished, but they had minimal to non-existent landscaping. I made all the usual beginners mistakes on the mid-Hudson valley property: I planted things...
Planting Smarter

Planting Smarter

Report From PIA – July 6 A recent post on a garden writers listserv asked people to weigh in on an article about statements made by the Royal Horticultural Society’s new president. It seems she thinks that the BBC is “dumbing down” their garden programs, and she...
Growing Change

Growing Change

Report From PIA – May 21 I did a landscape consultation today for a couple who was conflicted between themselves about how much to change. One member of this union wanted it all to stay the same forever and ever, and the other wanted to make changes and lots of...
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