Jump-Starting New Beginnings

It has been my great pleasure to write here for five years, finding the ways that everything comes together in the garden. From thoughts about finding peace and meditation in the landscape to actual planting and plant advice posting here has been great fun. Sometimes, however, it’s time to start new beds for planting and this is what I’m doing now at  www.CoffeeForRoses.com. There I’ll continue writing about gardens, plants, food, and how everything connects to everything…with, perhaps, a slightly broader (more caffeinated?) scope. I hope you’ll stop by these new gardens frequently.

The Best of Whole Life Gardening

The Best of Whole Life Gardening

Which would be, of course, you. The best of Whole Life Gardening is all the people who have followed this blog over the past few years. I am grateful to you beyond measure...and we've had fun, haven't we? Now I'm planting new gardens: a link to that new site will be...

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New Life For Overgrown Dish Gardens

New Life For Overgrown Dish Gardens

Most people receive a dish garden as a gift. They are lovely when they arrive, because they're usually made of three or more houseplants with contrasting foliage colors and textures. Most are in a low dish or basket, and are dressed up with moss to hid the soil. Dish...

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Winter Flowers

Winter Flowers

We love poinsettias at this time of year but a lesser known cool-weather plant is the hybrid Anemone. When my husband and I lived in New York's mid-Hudson Valley, and he traveled up and down the Taconic Parkway frequently, he would stop at Battenfelds to pick up these...

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New Developments

New Developments

Have you ever looked into the processes required to make olives edible? Fresh picked olives from the trees aren’t tasty. They are too bitter to eat as is. They contain the chemical compound Oleuropein, which is considered to have medicinal value because it’s an...

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A Low Evergreen? You Can Grow That!

A Low Evergreen? You Can Grow That!

Many of my consultation clients want foundation or garden plants that don’t require constant pruning. They are tired of fighting a losing battle with plants that want to grow tall. For many of these customers I recommend Pinus strobus ‘Minuta.’ The Minuta white pine...

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Things That Grow Too Well

Things That Grow Too Well

There are times when something we’ve planted grows well…and then keeps on growing. And growing, and growing. Every season such plants take over more territory, crowd out neighboring selections, and generally behave like assertive thugs. Some gardeners love such...

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Fall Clean Up

Fall Clean Up

A Gardening Life - November 17 At this time of year I often get the following comments and questions: "Can I cut my perennials all the way down in the fall?" "Do I have to clear out the flower garden before winter?" and "Have you finished putting your garden to bed?"...

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Whole Life Gardening
The Best of Whole Life Gardening
New Life For Overgrown Dish Gardens
A New Book for the New Year
Winter Flowers
New Developments
A Low Evergreen? You Can Grow That!
Things That Grow Too Well
Fall Clean Up
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