Jun 25, 2013 | A Gardening Life, Inspiration, my gardens
A Gardening Life – June 25 Everyone has them. There are always places in the yard and garden that aren’t finished, are rough and funky, or are simply less than appealing. Sometimes we fence them off and other times we place plants in front of them....
Jun 17, 2013 | A Gardening Life, Inspiration, my gardens
A Gardening Life – June 17 Do you have an area that needs screening but you want something that blends into the garden? That was my situation; we have a brush pile and compost area that is necessary but less than attractive. My initial thought was to plant some...
May 29, 2013 | A Gardening Life, Inspiration, my gardens
A Gardening Life – May 29 Have you ever planted a large or heavy container in the spring only to wonder how you’re going to save those plants once fall arrives? You might not want to drag such pots or boxes inside, yet you don’t wish to dig the...
May 19, 2013 | A Gardening Life, Inspiration
A Gardening Life – May 19th When it comes to choosing colors for the garden it’s surprising how many people tell me, “I like any color but red.” Maybe the slogan from the Cold War era, better dead than red, is so deeply embedded that...
Jan 14, 2013 | A Gardening Life, Inspiration
Here’s the thing: It soon will be spring. There’ll be so much to do You’ll won’t try something new. But February 8, 7 & 6 You can learn some new tricks to jumpstart your biz, and your thinking, that is. There’s a full day of detail for those who sell retail. Or...
Dec 18, 2012 | Inspiration, Life's Gardens, my gardens
One thing I love about winter is being able to see the skeletons of trees. Their framework is endlessly interesting, informative and entertaining. Some trees are filled with tiny twigs while others are sparer or even sleek. One tree sprawls horizontally while another...