Jul 22, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, plants I love, Reasons To Grow Your Own Vegetables
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – July 22 We arrived home from Italy to find an outbreak of weeds and beans. Crabgrass, purslane and carpetweed have not only appeared in the ten days we’ve been gone, but they’ve all grown to dinner plate size plants in that time....
Jul 20, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Life's Gardens, my gardens, plants I love
for the job may not be a vine at all. Garden Reports and Rejoicing – July 20th “What vine do you have growing on your shed?” visitors ask. “That’s not a vine,” I reply, “it’s a blackberry.” We are growing the...
Jul 8, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Inspiration, my gardens, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – July 8 Look at your landscape as the sun sets. Where does the light fall? If there is a place on your property that is illuminated by the setting sun, you need a Cocktail Hour Garden. This is the area where plants will be backlit...
Jul 3, 2012 | Bloggers You Can Grow That! Day, Life's Gardens, my gardens, plants I love
You Can Grow That! Last year about this time I visited Chris Hestwood’s beautiful garden on Nantucket. I admired her beautiful poppies (Papaver somniferous) and a few weeks later she brought me some seeds. I planted them just as they are spread in her garden...
Jun 28, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, my gardens, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – June 28 You might have hated them in high school because they wrecked the grading curve. Or maybe you were that overachiever that set the bar so hopelessly high that everyone else despised you. No matter…thankfully, high school...
Jun 14, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, my gardens, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – June 14 One aspect of garden design is creating ways for the colors of plants to have conversations. When we put plants together we aim for contrasting colors and textures, but we also look for repetition…we find ways for a plant’s...