Aug 11, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 11 As you regular readers well know, I’m tired of hot sun and no rain. Cranky, you might say. As I sat on the deck tonight, looking at part of my lakeside border, I was able to get some perspective on my bad temper…and none too soon I...
Aug 10, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 10 One of James Taylor’s songs begins with this seemingly simple statement: “The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.” It’s an important choice of words because it’s not about coping with the passage of time, or even using...
Aug 9, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 9 I did my last shift at the Strokes of Genius mini-golf fundraiser tonight, and my fellow volunteer and I were talking about our grownup children. One of hers is recently out of school and looking for a job, and she said, “I don’t know...
Aug 8, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 8 I’m reminding myself that fullness means “with nothing missing” or “completely so”. The garden is bursting with color, growth, fruit and wildlife, yet all I can think about is how hot it is. Bees, dragonflies and wasps whiz around my...
Aug 7, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 7 One of the challenges, and pleasures, of designing a garden is thinking of how we might use plants in an unexpected different way. Planting a climbing hydrangea as a groundcover instead of a climber, for example, or draping a weeping...
Aug 6, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, plants I love, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – August 6 One thing I love about gardening is that it constantly prompts us to try something new. This year I planted a yarrow in a pot that I was admittedly skeptical about. Gypsy White yarrow (Achillea ptarmica) is in the Proven Winners lineup...