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Life Litter

Life Litter

Hurricane Sandy and the nor’easter that passed through over the past few days blew an assortment of leaves, pine needles, branches and more to the ground. The 65 mile an hour winds took down some trees and changed our landscape from colorful fall to bare branch...
A Changing View?

A Changing View?

You Can Grow That! As much as we want to hold on to summer, the seasons march on. As dearly as we’d like to keep this plant constantly flowering or that plant just the size it is right now, they are constantly changing, growing larger, or coming in and out of...
Embracing Change

Embracing Change

One of the talks I give is about the eight rules for being a successful gardener. Since none of these guidelines concerns soil, watering, planting or fertilizer, they are applicable to most areas of life. One of the rules is to embrace change. Plants are constantly...
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