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Framing The Magic

Framing The Magic

Garden Reports and Rejoicing – November 17 I have a constantly changing slideshow of garden photos as my computer desktop and screensaver, and occasionally one of these photos catches my attention. This evening the shot of the lights on lakeside trees stuck me...
A Season of Stark Beauty

A Season of Stark Beauty

Garden Reports and Rejoicing – November 6 We had a very hard frost last night. At dawn I watched the swamp maple leaves falling like rain through the rays of the rising sun. Everything that was left in the annual and perennial beds sparkled. I stood transfixed...
When Change Comforts

When Change Comforts

Garden Reports and Rejoicing – November 2 Two nights ago we had the first hard frost of the season. Today the annuals are all blackened, but on the morning after the frost they were still in color and dusted with white ice crystals. It was lovely. Some may be...
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