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Just For Fun – Part 2

Just For Fun – Part 2

Report From An Opinionated Gardener – July 21 The Fairy Gardening Festival is this weekend at Country Garden and I spent the day creating a walk through display. Such gardens are fun to create because you don’t have to consider the normal constraints of spacing...
Just For Fun

Just For Fun

Report From An Opinionated Gardener – July 16 We’re having a Fairy Garden Festival at the garden center, and are calling for entries into a Fairy House contest. (Prizes are $25. gift certificates!) There will also be several fairy houses hidden around the garden...
The Importance of Fun and Heart

The Importance of Fun and Heart

Report From PIA – March 6 – On Assignment in Chicago I walked though the Chicago Flower and Garden Show today, enjoying the many exhibits and, of course, all the colorful flowers. It wasn’t the gardens that wowed me today, however, but the table...
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