Mar 21, 2012 | Garden Celebrations, Garden Reports and Rejoicing, growing the spirit
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – March 21 I’ve featured my bamboo cloches in this blog before so you know how much I love them. Imagine how upset I was when one blew away last week after a night of very strong winds. Despite the weights and ties, one basket broke...
Mar 15, 2012 | Bloggers Bloom Day, Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Life's Gardens, my gardens
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – March 15 Normally, of course, a post at this time of year would be titled Spring Cleaning. But after an amazingly warm winter it seems as if we’ve moved from late fall into the growing season. I have California poppies that have...
Mar 12, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Inspiration, Life's Gardens, my gardens
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – March 12 When we pay attention we might see that out of the blue the same information often concentrates and threads repeatedly through our lives. Have you noticed that? You might have remained blissfully unaware of Zumba workouts,...
Mar 5, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Life's Gardens
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – March 5 I noticed that the first crocus are in bloom today. They are always a welcome sight but especially so today. My mother-in-law, Maria Fornari, died yesterday so we are feeling all the grief and poignancy that such a loss...
Mar 2, 2012 | Garden Celebrations, Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Life's Gardens
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – March 2 We can’t control much of what happens in our lives, but we can keep our eyes open for color, growth and joy. And any time we notice these gifts, even in small doses, we need to stop to acknowledge and savor them. Throughout...