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The Best of Whole Life Gardening

The Best of Whole Life Gardening

Which would be, of course, you. The best of Whole Life Gardening is all the people who have followed this blog over the past few years. I am grateful to you beyond measure…and we’ve had fun, haven’t we? Now I’m planting new gardens: a link to...
The Carrot And The Stick

The Carrot And The Stick

Garden Reports And Rejoicing – November 9 The weather was wonderfully warm the past two days so I seized the moment and dug my dahlia tubers. In the past I haven’t been too concerned with marking specific colors or types of dahlias, but this season we discovered...


Garden Reports and Rejoicing – September 13 I’ve taken several calls on GardenLine recently asking about the “wild morning glory” that is taking over landscapes. Usually these callers talk about initially being charmed by this white-not-blue variety of a...
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