Jan 22, 2014 | A Gardening Life, Another Polular Misconception, As I See It, Bloggers Bloom Day, Bloggers You Can Grow That! Day, flummoxed on friday, Garden Celebrations, Garden Prayer, Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Garden Wedding, Grateful Gardeners Book Club, growing the spirit, Inspiration, Life's Gardens, my gardens, Perennial Maintenance, Pet Peeves, Plant Something!, plants I hate, plants I love, products I hate, products I love, Reasons To Grow Your Own Vegetables, Report From An Opinionated Gardener, Report From PIA, Things I Hate About Your Garden, Uncategorized, vegetables, What's for dinner?, wordless Wednesday, You Can Grow That!
Which would be, of course, you. The best of Whole Life Gardening is all the people who have followed this blog over the past few years. I am grateful to you beyond measure…and we’ve had fun, haven’t we? Now I’m planting new gardens: a link to...
Oct 8, 2013 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Pet Peeves, Plant Something!
For those concrete thinkers among you I must declare up front: I’m not just talking about plants and gardening here. In every place that I mention something horticultural you could substitute something else that you’ve killed and get the message. Think about that job...
Oct 5, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Pet Peeves
Even the most assiduous gardener has weeds that need pulling. The most experienced horticulturalist sees plants die. Home landscapers find that areas of their property have gotten away from them and gone wild. Very attentive plant people sometimes feel overwhelmed,...
Aug 2, 2012 | As I See It, Life's Gardens, Pet Peeves
Would you hesitate to buy a puppy or kitten because sometime in the future your pet might die? And if that dog or cat got sick should you be allowed to return it to the breeder and get your money back? I think that most people would answer “no” to both those...
Jun 1, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Life's Gardens, Pet Peeves
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – June 1 We humans find it tempting to think in absolutes. People enjoy speaking as if all their opinions are truths. And this embracing of cherished opinions isn’t confined to politics. Black and white thinking can be found in...
Mar 27, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, my gardens, Pet Peeves, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – March 27 One of the subjects I address in my most popular garden club talk is moss growth. The myth is that moss in your lawn means that you need to add lime. The truth is that moss is an equal opportunity lawn-colonizer…it’s happy...